Automation Anywhere Interview QA

Automation Anywhere Interview Question & Answers

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Automation Anywhere

1. Create email account cannot be accomplished using the Email Automation command.

2. Delete Messages command is used to delete the most recent email message from the inbox.

3. Variable sub command of the If/Else command will you use to display emails with specific keywords in the subject line.

4. Send a message to multiple receivers at once tasks can be performed using the Send Email command.

5. To extract email data to an application or a folder prioritize and save emails in storage drive.

6. Drag the Excel command to the task Actions list pane is used to insert an Excel command in the automation task

7. Load Add-ins is required to open an Excel spreadsheet.

8. Split Document commands is used to divide a PDF file into different PDF files.

9. Decrypt Document sub-commands is used to decrypt encrypted PDF documents.

10. Create a seperate image for each page of the PDF files is the function of the PDF to image sub-command.

11. Extract files is not a PDF integration sub-command.

12. Encrypt Document is the PDF Integration sub-commands is used to grant permissions to the users.


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