Automation Anywhere Interview Question & Answers

Automation Anywhere Interview Question & Answers

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Automation Anywhere

1. In case there is no error in a task, the value of "Error Line Number" will be________________. 

  • -1
  • 0 (Zero)
  • -2
  • None

2. In the loop associated with Database command, which system variable is used to extract column values from the database table? 

  • $Filedata Column$
  • $DataSet Column$
  • $Table Column$
  • $ArrayColumns$

3. Which of the following actions can not be performed using the PDF Integration commands? 

  • Conversion of PDF into Image
  • Extraction of Text from PDF
  • Extraction of Form-Fields from PDF
  • Conversion of Text into PDF

4Which of the following methods can a developer use to debug a task using the Task Editor? 

  • Enable debugging then function keys
  • Directly using function keys
  • By looking at log files only
  • Using message boxes only

5. How can a command be added from the command library to the Task Editor's Actions List? 

  • Type the Command name
  • Press F2 key and select the Command
  • Drag & Drop the Command
  • Press F10 key and select the Command

6. Which of the following variable types are available in the Task Editor? 

  • Array
  • List
  • String
  • Integer

7. Counter variable always starts from which of the following digit? 

  • 0 (Zero)
  • 1
  • -1
  • 2

8. Which of the following is not a valid Loop command? 

  • Each Folder In A Folder
  • Each Row In An Excel Dataset
  • Each Item In An Array
  • Each Node In An XML Dataset

9. Which of the following String Operation sub-commands is used to get number of characters in a given source string? 

  • Length
  • Find
  • Count
  • Before/After

10. Which of the following is 'most' preferable to extract an html table? 

  • Web Recorder
  • Object Cloning
  • OCR
  • All

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