Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers

Automation Anywhere Interview Question & Answers

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Automation Anywhere

1. $Filedata Column$ variable allows us to read coulmn wise information from the .csv and .txt file type(s).

2. The FTP-Put Files command is used to Upload file(s) from local system to FTP/SFTP server.

3. Web Recorder can be used to download a file from Web.

4. PDF Integration- Extract Text command allows output as Text type that are Plain and Structured.

5. User connects to more than one excel file during task execution By defining different session name for each excel file.

6. $Filedate Column$ and $Excel Column$ variables are associated with loop commands "Each Row In a CSV/Text File" and "Each Row In an Excel dataset" respectively.

7. While editing a task, the screenshots are not appearing under Visualize Tab. The possible reason is The task was created with secure Recording option enabled in CR.

8. A task has been modified in local client. Manage > Repository client's feature can be used to comapare this task with one uploaded on WebCR

9. List Type of variable is not supported by MetaBots.

10. Smart, Screen and Web Recorder are available recorder in Automation Anywhere.


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