Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Basic Interview Questions and Answers

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Automation Anywhere

Question: Do I need to finish all my work in one application before moving onto the next application or can I switch back and forth between various applications while recording?

Answer: You can switch back and forth between various applications while recording.

Question: Can Automation Anywhere work if computer is locked? Can I record a task to unlock the computer?

Answer: Yes. Automation Anywhere offers secure Auto Login technology. Auto Login allows scheduled tasks to run even when computer is locked. When you schedule a task you can enable Auto Login capability. If Auto Login in enabled, and if computer is locked, Automation Anywhere will unlock the computer, run the task and lock it back.

Question: I use remote access software to access a remote machine. Can I record a task that performs activities using remote access software?

Answer: Yes. Automation Anywhere supports all the remote access software.

Question: Is it possible to store special characters like Tab key in a variable?

Answer: Yes, you can store any special character as a text value in a variable.

Question: Can I get all the file names in a folder to perform some operation on it?

Answer: Yes, you can use the “Loop for Files in a folder; Here $FileName$ will have next filename inside the specified folder in each Loop execution. You can use this System variable to perform any operation inside the Loop – End Loop block.

Question: How do I know if my Script ran without any Error?

Answer: You can use the ‘If Script Successful’ subcommand inside the ‘If command’. This command will run the script and will execute the ‘If – End If’ block only if the script ran successfully.

Question: When I use ‘Run Task’ command, how do I know if the task successfully completed?

Answer: You can use the ‘If Task Successful’ subcommand inside the ‘If command’. This command will run the task and will execute the ‘If – End If’ block only if the task ran successfully.

Question: Is it possible for me to know if one of my software is running or not? I want to do certain action only if that software is running.

Answer: Yes, you can use If Condition (If Application Running) to see if any application is running or not. You can specify the exe name that you want to test in the If condition.

Question: What is a Clipboard and its functionality in Automation Anywhere?

Answer: A Clipboard is a special variable which stores the value of system clipboard (Ctrl+c). We can utilize clipboard subcommands like Clear Clipboard, Assign to Clipboard, and Assign from Clipboard to variable clipboard value.

Question: What are the features will carry forward when we deploy a task in AA control Room?

Answer: Properties of the respective task will carry forward to control room when we deploy a task, Unlike Schedule and Triggers will only restrict to Developer Client.

Question: What is the difference between Email Automation Command and Send Email command?

Answer: Using Email Automation Command we can automatically manage the email messages such as manage your incoming emails and extract attachments to specific folder, clear unwanted email messages, communicate your email server and monitor email activity etc. But, send email command we can trigger the emails and include the attachments with it and format the message in HTML.

Question: What is Auto Login?

Answer: Auto Login automatically unlocks and log into a computer while running an automated task means auto-login option allows you to run tasks on computers that are unattended. Auto-Login unlocks the computer, and runs the automated tasks, and returns the computer to the original state.

Question: What is a hotkey and how we assign a hotkey to a task in AA?

Answer: A hotkey is a shortcut key we can use to run the task in Automation Anywhere Enterprises Client (AAE Client). In AAE Client to assign a hotkey select task–>properties–>hot key.


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