Automation Anywhere Questions & Answers

Automation Anywhere Questions & Answers

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Automation Anywhere

Question: What are port numbers for IMAP, POP3, SMTP?

  • IMAP - Gmail port number - 993
  • POP3 - 995
  • SMTP - 465

Question: What is meant by Email Autoomation?

Answer: Email Automation is used to receives the messages. There no option to send an email. There are two types of server used in Email Automation – POP3 and IMAP.

Question: What precautions need to take if the image is not showing while trying to do image recognition?

Answer: Need to adjust the match percentage and tolerance.

Question: What are the available composition mode in Image Recognition?

  • Normal - All type of window
  • Grayscale - Black and White
  • Monochrome - Cultured window

Question: What is mean by Surface automation?

Answer: Surface automation typically means virtual automation using screenshots, image recognition, and OCR.

Question: What is an Unattended bot?

Answer: An unattended bot is a bot that runs on a dedicated workstation (virtual machine) or (Virtualized Desktop).

Question: What is Attended Automation?

Answer: An attended automation bot is a bot that executes its automation on the user’s local workstation. Attended bots can be invoked in:
  • RPA products client tool
  • Embedded screen button
  • Existing screen UI element

Question: Does Automation Anywhere support to build SQL commands?

Answer: No, Automation Anywhere does not build SQL commands or stored procedures.

Question: What is the default Multicast port for Distributed Caching Service?

Answer: 54327

Question: What is a minimum version of IIS is required to install Control Room?

Answer: 7.5

Question: Web Control Room provides an ability to restrict clients with secure recording option.

Answer: True.

Question: In Web Control Room, enterprises can also make their internal support URLs available for the BOT creators.

Answer: True.

Question: What are the different APIs available through Web CR?

  • Authentication API
  • Bot Login Credentials API
  • Bot Deployment API
  • Export Import Bot API

Question: What is the difference between Object Cloning and Web Recorder?


Object cloning is specifically used for capturing objects that use technologies such as Flex, Silverlight, Java or HTML. It captures properties such as X,Y coordinates, object properties and image, if enabled.

Web Recorder enables you to automate internet-related tasks such as extraction of like data or table data, source code from a website, navigate to a URL and download data. It also allows one to extract data in table or pattern-based to a CSV file.

Question: What is Manage Web Control?

Answer: To capture image links, radio buttons, text boxes, check boxes and other web control Automation Anywhere Web Recorder -> Manage Web Controls allows capture of web controls and assign them variables.

Question: Two systems which are having different OS. For one system, AA should do module1 in the task and another system AA should do module2 in the task. How can we resolve this scenario?

Answer: There is a system variable called ‘OS Name’. If OS Name is for the first system, then do module 1 else do module 2.

Question: Citrix automation is a challenge or not? If it so why and how to overcome?

Answer: Yes. Of course. There are two types of citrix. Thick and Thin. To overcome the challenge, AA to be installed inside citrix for better performance. Then only all functionalities like object cloning, web recoding, windows actions etc. we can use. All applications which required for automation should be inside citrix for better performance.

Question: Which command is good ‘Delay’ or ‘Wait’?

Answer: Wait is good. Because there are two options.

  • Wait for window and
  • Wait for screen change

In delay command, we can give only an amount for delay after or before a command performs as a random or regular.

Question: How to do Logs in Automation Anywhere?

Answer: Using ‘Log To File’ command.

Question: User want to capture a screenshot of Desktop/Window/Area and save that screenshot with extension ‘.jpg’. Is user able to capture and save the screenshot?

Answer: No. It will throw an error ‘Invalid file extension. Supported extensions are .bmp,.png,.gif,.jpeg,.wmf and tiff.’

Question: What types of different System/OS Automation Anywhere supports?

Answer: Only Windows OS.

Question: Which of the WebCR options allows to view the list of all client machines along with their status in read-only form?

Answer: Clients Tab.

Question: What is the Automation Anywhere Workflow file extension?

Answer: .WKFX

Question: What is the Automation Anywhere Report Designer file extension?

Answer: .RTDX

Question: What is Control Room in Automation Anywhere?

Answer: Control Room is centralized web application which controls the users, clients and execution / scheduling of the BOTS.

Question: What is Automation Anywhere Development and Run Time Client?

Answer: Development client is basically Task editor where we can edit and modify or run the tasks
Run Time client is task editor where we an run existing BOTS/tasks.

Question: What are the various ways to capture errors in your Automation Anywhere?

  • Error Line Number – gives line number where error occurs.
  • Error Description - gives the description of the error.
  • Take Snapshot - captures the screen where error occurs.
  • Run Task - Run a task whenever a error occurs.
  • Log Data into File - log the error into a File.
  • Send Email - Send an email whenever a error occurs.
  • Variable Assignment - Assign a value into variable when error occurs.

Question:What are the various options available for error handling when an error occurs?

  • Continue - Continue the process if error occurs.
  • Stop Task - Stops the task if error occurs.
  • Error Line Number – gives line number where error occurs.
  • Error Description - gives the description of the error.
  • Take Snapshot - captures the screen where error occurs.
  • Run Task - Run a task whenever a error occurs.
  • Log Data into File - log the error into a File.
  • Send Email - Send an email whenever a error occurs.
  • Variable Assignment - Assign a value into variable when error occurs.

Question: What all Subversion Versions are supported by Automation Anywhere?

Answer: Automation Anywhere uses SVN internally to manage versions. Whenever we upload a task or resource to server from a client. They all maintained as different version automatically as long there is a different between current and old file.

Question: What is the difference between email automation and send mail?

Answer: Using email Automation, user can only Read/Delete the message/mail while using Send mail, user only able to send an email.


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