Automation Anywhere IQ Bot Basics

Automation Anywhere IQ Bot Basics

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Automation Anywhere

Question: What is Cognitive RPA?

Answer: Cognitive RPA mimics the way the human brain works using specific AI technique – to assist human in making decision, completing tasks, or meeting goals. Cognitive RPA is a subset of AI. Cognitive means ‘To Know’.

Question: What is IQ Bot?

Answer: IQ Bot is Automation Anywhere’s global digital workforce platform that learns from human behavior and is built for business people, by solving specific use cases without requiring AI experts or data scientist.

IQ Bot has its core engine pertained to learn from user inputs provide solution for multiple domains, reduce data entry error, is faster than human.

Question: You’re creating a Learning instance on the IQ Bot Portal for semi-structured insurance claims. Which inputs will you need to provide in order to create the instance?

Answer: Sample claim documents.

Question: While creating a Learning instance, what information will you provide under Domain?

Answer: Types of Documents.

Question: If you want to add a form that is not in the standard set on the Create new learning instance page, which of the button will you click?

Answer: Add a form.

Question: You have filled in all the required details for creating a Learning instance. Which option will occur after you click the Create instance and analyze button?

Answer: Document grouping.

Question: You have successfully created a Learning Instance for semi-structured invoices. However, you realize the sample documents you provided during the process did not cover all the varying layouts. What will be your first step for adding more sample invoices to the Learning instance?

Answer: Edit the Learning Instance.

Question: On the IQ Bot portal, on which pages is the training of a Bot carried out?

Answer: IQBot Designer.

Question: On the Train view of the IQBot Designer, which Document does view area display?

Answer: System identified regions.

Question: While training a Bot, you discover an unmapped field on the document. Which option will you use from the Inspection panel to map the value of this field?

Answer: Select feature.

Question: Which table column is mandatory to map while training a Bot?

Answer: Required table columns defined during Learning Instance creation.

Question: In which view of the IQBot Designer will you define a table and a table column?

Answer: Design view.

Question: On the IQ Bot Portal, on which of the following pages is the testing of a Bot carried out?

Answer: IQBot Designer.

Question: On the IQ test view of the IQBot Designer, which option does the Test header display?

Answer: Bot currently open.

Question: While testing Bot after you add a test document, you see the message ‘This document needs training.’ In the Editor sub-tab. At this point, besides re-training the document class, what is the other option you could try out?

Answer: Validate auto-generated values in the Test Editor.

Question: On the IQ Test view, you can run tests on a test set, an individual test documents and a ….

Answer: Document class.

Question: Bot testing on the IQ Test view generates details on two types of errors. If one of the error types is Document Classification, which is the other?

Answer: Data Recognition.

Question: Which tools will you use to perform batch processing of real-time documents on the IQ Bot Portal?

Answer: Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client.

Question: Which Bot will you create for uploading real-time documents to a Learning instance?

Answer: TaskBot.

Question: Imagine you are creating a Bot to perform the batch processing of semi-structured purchase orders. Under the Loop command, which of the sub-commands will you need to use for the processing to occur for each real-time document from the source?

Answer: Each File In A Folder.

Question: When real-time documents fail to automate processing rules, human validation can be performed on the Validator interface. From where on the IQ Bot Portal will you Launch this interface?

Answer: Learning Instances page.

Question: What is the key feature of the Validator interface?

Answer: It suggests corrections based on past patterns.

Question: Explain IQ Bot Workflow.

  1. Create learning instance
    • Upload sample documents onto the portal.
    • Provide domain and standard fields.
  2. Create and Train Bots
    • Test Bots and push to production.
    • Perform batch processing and validation.
  3. Create Bots for document groups.
  4. Train Bots: Map required fields and set validation fields.

Question: Explain IQ Bot Portal’s Menu Items.

  1. Dashboard - Bird's eye view of IQ Bot processing
    • Progress Reports.
    • Performance Reports.
    • Processing Results.
    • Accuracy Levels.
  2. Learning Instance - create and manage Learning instances and Bots.
  3. Bots - Perform key bot-specific tasks
    • Viewing, searching, and running bots.
    • Pushing to production.

Question: Explain Learning instance fields, if any instance is already created.

  1. Name of Instance.
  2. number of Bots created within the instance..
  3. Number of files uploaded for the instance.
  4. Percentage of fields accurately identified across all bots.
  5. Percentage of files trained by the Bots.
  6. Toggle button to change the instance's environment from staging to production or vice versa.
  7. View detail icon - Allows viewing and editing of additional instance information.
  8. Launch validator icon - Launches the validator window so you can fix issues that a bot couldn't automatically process in production.
  9. Summary view - Square indicates staging and Diamond indicates Production.

Question: What are the steps to create a Learning Instance?

  1. Click on 'Create one Now' button.
  2. Fill required fields and upload sample documents.
  3. Click on 'Create instance and analyse' button.
  4. It will open 'Analyzing Documents' page.

Question: What are the views available in IQ Bot designer window?

Answer: Design, Train and IQ Test.

Question: What are the fields available in IQ Bot designer Train Tab?

  1. Training set panel - Displays the list of documents classes added in the bot. Shows the selected documents class highlighted and the associated document loaded in the document view area. Shows the Field/Table columns that have been found and mapped.
  2. Train Header - Display the name of the Bot that is currently open in IQ Bot designer. Displays the name of the document class and the document loaded in it.
  3. Document view area - Displays the document with system identified regions. Performs the selecting and mapping actions here.
  4. Inspection panel - Primary area for defining the properties of fields and tables.


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